
KC Temple

I'm still stuck on religious lore.

I had an interesting conversation with my mother the other day... well, the past few days actually. My family has lived in Kansas City, Missouri for a little less than fifteen years. We love it there, though it was quite and adjustment from Mobile, Alabama. Anyways, that's not the point. The point is about the Kansas City temple that was announced on Saturday.

I don't think they could have announced a more folklorish temple. Jackson County and Zion is so abstract to many Latter-day Saints that it almost isn't even an issue. They think the Church Salt Lake City will last forever (which it won't). Salt Lake City is prophesied to be one of the wickedest cities in the world, and from the way things are evolving I can see it. Jackson County is beautiful. Granted, I'm a little biased because that's where I grew up but nonetheless I think it is beautiful. As is Clay County and all the surrounding areas. Because, really, one county is not going to be big enough to hold a gathering. Even though the Latter-day Saint population has grown, it's nothing compared to a lot of the country. But I know it will grow. And this temple is proof of that.

From what I understand, there are supposed to be multiple temples in and around Jackson County by the time of the Second Coming. This one in Liberty is just the first... and I think it is the PERFECT placement. Liberty isn't usually heavily discussed, except in passing. The trials there were just too great. Anyone who has gone to Liberty Jail knows that. But that is what makes it perfect.  

Why is this folklore? Because I believe that the Second Coming is the pinnacle of religious folklore- not just for Mormons, but for everyone. Almost every religion has a different view of what will happen when Christ comes back- and the subject has been discussed ever since the day Christ left. 

I just have the feeling a lot of things are going to change with this development.
And it amazes me that the majority of Church members don't even want realize it... they're too wrapped up in their own lives. 

Disclaimer: I am not saying I think the Second Coming is going to be in the next few years, or even in my lifetime. What I am saying is that a temple in the Jackson County area is a humongous step. Humongous. And I'm amazed so few people seem impressed by it.