Halloween reminds me of prom because the WORST thing that can happen is someone else wearing your outfit... unless you plan it out (which is where the prom analogy stops). Sometimes Halloween is more fun when you dress the same as other people. Like in the picture above, my cute roommate Kendra and I were fairies with the exact same outfit, just different colors. And different wings. It was fun. Halloween is the only time of year (except for random costume parties) that you can dress however you want, and in whatever way you can. You can bust out of your shell, you can become someone else... even if it's just by being a fairy or the classic Morton Salt Girl (and before I changed into my MSG costume I saw someone else with one like it. But mine was better so I win!)
Other kinds of folklore besides costumes...
Smashing pumpkins (someone smashed ours right outside the door)
Late night scary movies (which I didn't participate in this year for the first time I can remember)
One aspect of Halloween folklore I do NOT like is all of the Mormon girls who try to sluttify themselves, using costumes and Mean Girls quotes to back up their reasoning. Girls, please.