
Now I've Got My Tailypo

The story of Tailypo goes something like this: An old man is starving. He goes hunting with his beloved dogs. They don’t find anything. On their retreat home, they come across an odd looking animal with a long, furry tail. He tries to kill the animal, but misses the middle of its body. Instead, he severs the animal’s tail from the rest of his body. Overjoyed by the prospect of having a meal, the man runs home to stew the tail. He eats it, and stuffed to the brim, begins to fall asleep.

            But sleep doesn’t hold him for long. Outside of his house, he hears barking and whining from his dogs. He thinks he hears a voice say “Tailypo, Tailypo, all I want is my Tailypo!” The old man does not like this voice. He yells at his dogs to be quiet. They don’t obey. He hears scratching at the door. All the sudden everything is quiet. Baffled, the man goes to check on his bloodhounds. They are gone. The man goes back inside, stunned. His dogs have never run off before, and he does not know what to make of it.

Should he look for them? It’s dark outside, and the man does not want to get lost. As he debates what to do, he hears scratching from within his home. What could be scratching? He looks across the room and sees an odd looking animal, the same odd looking animal from before. The animal looks at him. “Tailypo, Tailypo, I’ve come to get my tailypo!” The old man is terrified. A battle ensues. In the morning, all that’s left of the old man’s house is the chimney. But when you go out to the old man’s property late at night, you can still hear a voice saying, “Tailypo, Tailypo, now I’ve got my Tailypo!”