

I am writing this blog so that my Folklore life of the semester will be rounded out at a solid fifty. This semester I have learned a lot of things. I did not know what Folklore was before I started this class. Well, that's a lie. I knew about folk songs. Kinda I knew there was a genre of "Folk Music" that I like. But I did not know that Folklore could encompass almost everything. I love it. It ties so many actions together, and it's good for a good laugh or a good reflection. 

Folklore is Fun!


Today, I made bread and Kendra ate it and it was good. It was the bread my Mama always makes for Christmas. Sometimes she calls it Holly Bread but sometimes she does not. It is our bread we make every Christmas and give to family friends... and it is GOOD.

It's also easy. Today was the first time I ever made bread all on my lonesome. And it turned out just GREAT.... and by great, I mean yummy.