

The first time I ever became aware that there was such a thing as proverbs I was 12 or 13 and watching THIS movie:
In it, the main character's mother-esque figure quips "When one door closes..." and I KNEW I'd heard it before. Sure enough, this saying was one repetitive proverb. And I have heard it countless times since.

I probably should have known that proverbs existed before I started my teenage years, especially with the astronomically quipped "Life is like a box of chocolates" from Forrest Gump. But I didn't. Maybe that's part of the draw of proverbs. They are heard so much when you are young that they become somewhat engrained in you. You say them without really thinking them. But not all proverbs are well known. Proverbs can come from anywhere, whether it be from my friends Rob and Brett who LOVE to say "Just do it and it's done" to the cynical (but often true) view my grandma took on long distance relationships "Absence makes the heart grow fonder... for someone else."

Proverbs are everywhere. They are straight up in everyday conversations, alluded to in movies, picked apart in English classes, and subjects of research for some academic scholars... which is what makes them rad.

Looking for some good'uns? Here's a list: